Friday, September 15, 2006

Not being able to lie is really getting in the way of my parenting. B has learned to turn on the TV in my room and find the channels he likes... but I don't really groove on Pokemon and American Dragon etc. So, I like to hide the remote. Well, when B asks me where the remote is I would love to tell him that I didn't know. Instead I say, "I hid it."
Now would be a great time to tell a lie... but I can't... Instead, "Under something soft." Which was the pillow.

Sure do wish I could lie everynow and then.


Alicia said...

Nathan and I will start practicing lying now. Thanks for the tip.

ticee said...

You can't even lie over that kind of stuff?!? Seriously, I think we will practice the next time you come down. I will make a liar out of you yet!!!