Sunday, February 03, 2008

More - Much, Much, More SNOW!

So first on Friday we woke up to about 10 inches of snow. E kindly shoveled before I left in the morning. I was amazed at his speed and snow shoveling skill. He made the mountains so compact and solid and he cleaned right to the pavement. Amazing. Saturday was a sometimes sunny day, cloudy for a while, snowed for a couple of minutes... but all in all it was a nice day. I anxiously watched the news for word on the next big storm. We were told that we would get about 4-9 inches but the worst of it would be in the central and southern part of the state. Imagine our shock when we woke up to at least a foot of snow on the driveway. E shoveled again before church and we frantically loaded up to get to church on time. I zoomed right out of the driveway and felt pretty confident... then when I had to turn at the light the van gave out on me. The tires were just spinning and the light changed from red to green to yellow and again to red before I inched my way around the corner. It was a horrifying drive to church... but we made it. They actually cancelled Sunday School and Relief Society, so after sacrament we came back home. B had fun climbing around in the snow, but the girls were too cold. It is still snowing even now. Thank goodness for our neighbors. We had three neighbors snowblowing our sidewalks while we were at church. That is so appreciated. Neighbors have been so good to us!! May they be repayed in double the kindness that they have shown us.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! You have sooooo much snow. We are all excited because we got ONE of the storms you seem to have tons of them.

You guys are so lucky. It really does bring out the best in people and neighbors. My kids are hoping for a snow day. It seems like if you have not had snow days we will just have school.

You are so high tech with all your videos. I love it.

wild murdocks said...

Good job Elias! Wow, you do have lots of delightful snow! We've actually had a cold winter too, and a good amount of snow for Moab, but it melts usually the next day.

Thanks for the b-day wishes! Love all the photo's and videos! beautiful, beautiful children!