Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We went to the Evensen Heritage family reunion last Saturday. I was in heaven! The girls who planned it, Carrie and Sheryl, did so much work. They found recipes for chest rub, soap, raisin cake and bread in Great-great Grandma Margarethe's diary.... then they made samples of them all for us to take home! I bought a CD with so many great pictures and histories on it... including the journal of Margarethe. Glorious... I saw Grandpa Slade's brothers Uncle Chester (and Aunt Phyllis) and Uncle Jimmy. Lots of Dad's cousins were there and said to tell dad hello. Joyce, Kay and Vickie.... Sheryl and Brenda, Sandra's daughters (she is the daughter of Mary Fern). I was really sad to have just missed DeLeon and Sandra and Shauna & Dorothy... but I had a great time.

B's school... He is so cute. I guess last Friday was show and tell, but I didn't know until after school. He took a toy out of his back pack and told me he had shown it to his class for Show and Tell. What an independent little guy. Somehow I thought I would be consulted on important matters like these.

This is a picture of B's first day of school. That is S in the back ground checking out a Princess back pack that belongs to some girl in B's class. I couldn't tell you the name of any one in B's class because he doesn't know anyones names. At least he knows who is teacher is.


wild murdocks said...

Yeah! Pictures, my favorite!

What an amazing reunion. I love the idea of making recipes, etc. from the journal.

Sweet Brigham. River doesn't bother learning names at school either, until near the end. I wonder how they communicate with each other?

Alicia said...

Pictures! You look great! Your kids are very cute, but you already know that.

ticee said...

You crack me up. I'm glad that you enjoyed your reunion. And Good for Brigham, being Mr. independant!